Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ever heard of photoshop!!!

A couple of weeks ago there was panic in New york city where the government did a photo op shoot of the Air force one look alike around the countries monuments, that included the statue of liberty. After the 9/11 attacks seeing a low flying plane, escorted by two fighter jets in the Manhattan skyline led to a panic in the city rightfully so with buildings being evacuated because the defence team had not had the foresight to warn the citizens of New York city ,of this PR stunt. 911 was flooded by crying and terrified callers who in their minds eye saw a repeat of the events of that fateful day in 2001, only to be told by nonchalant operators that happened to be in the know this time, that the authorities where aware of the exercise. Why not warn the city in advance, this is the 21st century where if you want people to know about something in advance you get on a bull horn(maybe not so primitive) so to speak and announce it to the world. I am sure they had security reasons for not broadcasting this but this just helps me make my argument. This should never have been done at all, it was mishandled and misguided to say the least.

Apart from invoking fear in the citizens of NY on that fateful day, they also managed to spend very close to half a million dollars and yet we are in a RECESSION, I mean come on people what is wrong with that picture. Under the direction of the secretary of the army Louis Caldera, who is no longer in this position, the flight was under taken to take pictures of it with the statue of liberty in the background. The photos where to update photos of air force one with the various monuments in the background in this case the Statue of liberty. Wow I think I need to apply for the job of part time Brain for some of the people employed in our government (part time because obviously I am not qualified to deal with bigger problems that may come about). Have these high powered people ever heard of Photo shop or is it above them, had they used photo shop the most they would have had to pay for would have been the price for the software if it isn't already installed on their expensive computers. Way to waste resources and cause fear amongst the very masses they are supposed to serve and protect, I am glad we did not hear of instances of serious injuries as people where evacuated.

In these economic hard times it is certainly a slap in the face of us the hard working, tax paying citizens to have those tax dollars used for a photo op. I am not pleased by this incident and I am glad the media had the sense to make light of it for once I am on their side.

1 comment:

  1. http://kyletannery.blogspot.com/2009/05/re-ever-heard-of-photoshop.html
