Friday, May 15, 2009

Repubs need to take a chill pill....get with the program.

As I see it Republicans are bitter and belligerent, and soon we might not have a Republican party to speak of at all according to some historians. They are shooting down this energy bill but they don't have good enough reasons for doing so and they don't have a plan in place to say here your bill sucks but we have something better and more efficient.

Members of the Republican party that have common sense have asked their peers to come up with better ideas or shut up because criticism is always easier than actually coming up with a plan. I have heard the republicans complain and oppose the government spending that is going on saying that it won't work, yet we all know in our RIGHT minds that change does not happen overnight. As Bianca has pointed out in her article no one knows what the outcome will be at least not yet. Wouldn't that be awesome if we could know what the future held, existence would certainly be meaningless because as I see it life is all about discovery and learning from our mistakes. I certainly hope that the bill will be passed soon ,because my mother who is 50years young will be starting school this summer at ACC and her major is in one of the new degrees that will enable her to be qualified for a green job when she graduates.

I love this quote at the end of the new york times article, that Bianca links her blog to "And, if the scientists are right, we know that the costs of doing nothing will dwarf the costs of acting now." The republican party can learn a thing or two from that quote.

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