Friday, April 24, 2009

No one knows what tomorrow holds at least not yet...

The new government has not been in power for more than 100days how can we already give them a failing grade even a pregnancy is over 300 days, can a woman deliver a baby at 100 days and have the baby survive. I think that it is a little premature "no pun intended" , to say that the government has failed. After reading my class mates post "mistakes that the government is making" I am left assuming that my classmate takes the classical way of thinking as far as economics is concered which is the belief that when it seems like we are headed for a depression we should do nothing. WHAT?, what usually happens is that by taking this view we end up staying stuck in that depression with change taking up to five or more years for the country to get back to what is know as full employment. What is full employment you ask ,well that is when the country has low unemployment rates and the economy is stable. I on the other hand take on the Keynesian view that believes that the government has to increase spending and give tax cuts inorder to get a country out of the recession and to do it fast which usually takes about a year to achieve. This is what the government has beed doing to get us out of the mess that the last adiministration got us into.

I am totally against the war because of all the loss of life that has been happening ,but I do believe that it was a necessary evil and I do not want to argue that point. Yes Barack said that he wanted to pull out of Iraq and that they should do but just like the pregnancy analogy I gave it wont happen overnight. In this case I will use the pregnancy of an elephant to show my point since that is a bigger issue. If the elephant gave birth after only a year the fetus would not be viable outside of the womb, for that to happen it would have to carry the pregnancy to full term a whopping two years. They can not again just pull out of Iraq prematurely, there has to be strategy in getting the troops out of there. They have to make sure that they play a part in instilling order to avoid further terror attacks on the US. They can not just do to those citizens the equivalent of baby dumping by walking out of there before finishing the job that they have started there. I recently met and spoke to a Marine that had stopped by my job and I thanked him for all that they had done for us to keep us safe. I asked what the troops over there think about what is going on and the general morale. The young man(24 years old) told me, that they are all for staying to help rebuild the country and help the police and army to restore order before they come back home.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Universal healthcare a MUST DO!!

I am with President Obama and his VP on universal healthcare for all. I am from a third world country and when I was growing up I was fortunate enough to have healthcare through my fathers job. When I was 20 years old I moved to the united states and the message I got when I got here was not to get sick because the hospital bills would be ludacris and I would not be able to see a doctor without medical insurance. I left the US to go to England to attend University and much to my surprise getting sick there would not amount to me self medicating and self diagnosing myself and hoping I got it right in the process. In the UK healthcare is free even to visiting immigrants, so all I had to do was find a doctor and sign up with them and utilize the services they provided. I believe that the same type of healthcare should be afforded to american citizens and "legal" immigrants as well as visitors who may fall sick when they come to the US legally. I happened to find a lump in my breast on one of my visits to the US and even though, this was a worrisome situation I had to wait to go back home to be seen by my doctor meanwhile keeping my fingers crossed that it was not cancerous. It was an agonizing 6 week vacation not knowing wether the lump was cancerous or not, since on my mothers side there is family history of all kinds of cancer. I had to wait till I got home, at which point I was able to see our family physician and have it taken care off. When I was in the UK I had biopsies done and regular checkups to make sure that the tumors where really benign and not growing and I did all that without fear of crazy medical bills at the end of it.

The Republicans do not want to see the healthcare plan that President Obama is proposing coming to fruition because they claim that the Government will have too much power. So be it because the private sector seems to have failed at providing healthcare to the average American and if the government says they will do a better job at it why stand in their way. Republican Zach Wamp from Tennessee says that we are marching toward socialism, and he also goes on to say that Healthcare is a priviledge, WHAT!!! and when asked by the reporter to explain he says that he means for those who are offered healthcare by their employers and reject it vs those that really need it. Is he serious most people do not get offered healthcare, goes to show what he knows , when was the last time he was in a 9 to 5 job where healthcare insurance was not an option. Most people do not agree to insurance at work because the costs are too high for them with what they take home after all the deductions on their paychecks. Now for someone like me who gets it for free from my employer, it is great except for when I have to actually go and use it like I did, recently and my deductibles cover a qaurter of what my costs are. Now I am recieving bills in the mail but I can not afford to pay them because I make minimum wage, so something has to be done to make it easier for the regular hard working tax paying people of this nation inorder for all of us to get healthcare that is affordable. If my job did not offer free healthcare and it had to be deducted from my paycheck monthly I probably would have declined the healthcare because I already barely make enough to make ends meet and with a monthly deduction of $200 or more that would really put me in a ditch of sorts.

Universal healthcare is a must do as I said before there have been too many stories of people dying because they were not able to get the care that they needed especially cancer treatment and I would hate to see that keep happening.